I reduce my waste: the 5R!

According to the European Statistical Office Eurostat, Switzerland records more than 700 kg of waste per year per capita, which places it in 3rd place in European comparison.
If we also consider the waste generated during the extraction of raw materials, manufacturing, packaging and transport of the objects produced, the figures are staggering!
For example, a 50 g toothbrush produces 1.5 kg of “hidden waste”, a simple mobile phone generates 75 kg of “hidden waste” and a computer 1500 kg…
Source: Belgique.be/fr/environnement
Among these wastes, there is one that we find everywhere in our daily lives and that is very much in the news: plastic. It is infamous for its presence in the oceans, often in its original form: plastic dishes, cotton swabs, lollipop sticks, balloons, glasses and bottles, straws, food packaging or plastic bags.
It is imperative to reduce the amount of waste we are producing. Let’s face it the total zero waste is difficult to reach. On the other hand, it is possible to change our habits to minimize waste in our daily lives.
Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot
- Refuse: Can I avoid it?
I say no to ads in my mailbox (STOP PUB), to unnecessary packaging,...
I dare to refuse flyers in the street, free items distributed at events,... - Reduce: Do I need it?
- Reuse: Can I find it used or for rent? Is it repairable?
- Recycle: Is it recyclable?
If there is any packaging, I choose the recyclable materials: metal, stainless steel, wood, cardboard, glass, paper, some plastics. - Rot: Ultimately, I compost what can be composted.
This week, we will look for ways to reduce our waste in the kitchen, bathroom, outdoors, etc. But today, you can already become aware of all the plastics you use in your daily life!
- I share the site with as many people as possible and I exchange about the activities of the upcoming days.
- If necessary, to facilitate my awareness, I collect my monthly disposable plastics.
- I read more about the 5R method (Zero Waste Switzerland)
- I Organize a Zero Waste Family Challenge (Zero Waste France)