November 30, 2019


All this month, we have been sharing our ideas, tips and thoughts on what you can do as an individual. These acts are not sufficient on their own, but they are nonetheless necessary.

For more on the importance of personal change, see this article : Greta Is Right: Study Shows Individual Lifestyle Change Boosts Systemic Climate Action.

We can only bring about the change we want to see in our society by being part of it ourselves.

So keep learning more, keep acting and changing, and especially, keep SHARING !

Share your own tips, your ideas, your experiences, successes and failures, always avoiding blaming or shaming.
This is how to demonstrate that change is possible, even though it can be difficult, especially while you’re still finding your feet.

On a related note, for those times when you’re feeling down or losing your motivation, here’s the link to our article about “looking after yourself”.

Share your thoughts with your family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, teammates, clubs, children’s schools,…

And share with your children by setting a good example and explaining what you’re doing.

Take the next step by helping us make our political leaders see that they too have a part to play.

This site will remain online, but we will reorganise the articles by theme, so that you can easily find things whenever you want to come back for more ideas, and so that you can share them with others.

There is no more shame in being aware of our environment and in talking to others about it. Trust yourself!

Thank you to all those who have read and shared our articles throughout November.
And our special thanks to all those without whom this project would never have come to fruition:
Annet, Cécile, Dimitri, Dominik, Emma, Janine, Laura, Mélanie, Michaela, Michael, Morgane, Nicolas, Regula, Robert, Salvina, Sandrine, Sibylle, Ueli.