Getting involved: public action

Individual actions are essential to bring about a societal transformation and counteract climate change, but on their own they are no longer sufficient.
Action in the public sphere is a step further. It means making your voice heard in public, and getting involved in changing the system at a wider level.
The people involved in climate movements and organisations are people like you and me, young and old, from every part of society and of the political spectrum… and often they already lead very full lives. But even with a busy schedule, everyone can participate to the extent of their abilities and time.
For example, would not have been possible without the many people kindly donating their time and their skills to code, write, proofread, translate, fact-check, format and upload articles, coordinate everyone, and share the posts on the various social networks… We are very grateful to you all!
Aside from acting on some of the suggestions we have made over the last few days (or those still to come), you too can take a step towards public action.
- Vote whenever you get chance
- Go to demonstrations to make your voice heard
- Provide financial support to pro-climate organisations and groups by becoming a member, taking part in crowdfunding schemes, or simply making a one-off donation (the website has a list of interesting projects to support)
- Move your money to an ethical bank. In Switzerland, the Alternative Bank Schweiz seems to be the only one that does not invest in fossil fuels, and that is committed to acting for the common good, humankind and nature.
- Offer your time and expertise to organisations and movements such as Extinction Rebellion, People for Future (Elternfürsklima), Fridays For Future (“Climate Strike” in Switzerland), and so on.
- Moderating Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or other social media pages
- Designing or create flyers, banners, or other artwork
- Coordinating or participating in working groups
- Organising actions or demonstrations.
- Organising or giving a presentation about climate science and/or activism.
- Starting a local group.
Extinction Rebellion is a worldwide movement that uses non-violent civil disobedience in an attempt to halt mass extinction and global heating, and minimise the risk of social collapse. It was founded in October 2018 in the UK.
- We have a shared vision of the future: creating a world that is fit for generations to come.
- We set our mission on what is necessary for achieving system change.
- We need a regenerative culture: healthy, resilient and flexible.
- We challenge both ourselves, and this toxic system: by leaving our comfort zones to take action for change.
- We value reflection and learning
- We welcome everyone and every part of everyone.
- We deliberately limit hierarchies, aiming for more equitable participation.
- We avoid blaming and shaming.
- We are a non-violent network.
- Our movement is based on the principles of autonomy and decentralisation.