November 9, 2019

Streets and outdoors waste

Outside, waste should be banned, not reduced!

This concept may seem obvious, but just look more carefully, waste is present eveywhere.
This phenomenon, called littering, refers to the bad habit of throwing or abandoning garbage in public places.
Littering brings cost, affects life quality and, of course, is bad for the environment.
More information on the IGSU website

For everyone, the easiest way to eradicate littering is to stop throwing waste in the wild!

During a picnic or a party outside (as well as inside!), in addition to avoiding disposable dishes, towels and tablecloths:
  • You should replace balloons with sustainable decorations (natural items, paper,…)
  • Don’t release any balloons because they end up poluting somewhere …
  • In summer, don’t use water bombs (the tiny pieces of exploded balloons remain)
  • and of course, You must take your garbage home to sort it properly.

Smokers should know that every single cigarette butt can pollute up to 500L of water.
Thrown out of a car window or directly into the sewer, they will eventually end up in the oceans...
Butts must therefore be disposed of in a bin or an ashtray. Outside, it is easy to carry a portable ashtray (eg: small metal box such as a candy box).
Good to know A good way to reduce your ecological footprint is to stop smoking!
Tobacco production is an intensive crop that contributes to deforestation and requires a large amount of water, fertilizers and pesticides. By itself, Tobacco smoke does not emit much CO2 but the manufacturing chain is. From deforestation to the cigarette paper manufacturing, the smoking and drying of tobacco leaves, the rolling and packaging processes up to the transportation every step is emitting significant amounts of CO2.
Les pesticides utilisés et la grande part des mégots jetés dans la nature ont un impact fort négatif sur la biodiversité.

Chewing-gum is also a very common street waste.
The issue resides in its composition (as it is polymers based), it will not dissolve in water and will not decompose. Animals mistake it for food and are then choked to death…
As for cigarette butts, used chewing gum should be discarded in a garbage can. If necessary, it can be kept in the meantime inside a piece of paper.

To go further: